Meet Angie Leonhard

Conversational Life Coaching with an Emphasis on Mindfulness & Nature

Based in Grand Junction, Colorado and serving clients online throughout the USA.

Hi, I’m Angie!

I grew up on a farm in rural Iowa and moved to Denver in search of adventure after graduating from Nursing school at the University of Iowa in 2005. I now live in Grand Junction, Colorado with my husband and 2 boys. We love to spend time outside as a family and especially enjoy camping, mountain biking, skiing, and rafting together.

As a Life Coach, I have a deep desire to connect with others in authentic and meaningful ways and am passionate about supporting others to connect with a greater sense of possibility and empowerment in their life. I am also currently enrolled in the Master’s of Counseling Program at Adams State University and look forward to eventually expanding my scope of practice to serve clients as a therapist.

It is my desire to help you learn how to access your own intuition, strength, creativity, and power to live a life that is in alignment with your unique purpose.

My Professional Background

Certifications & Education

Professional Life Coaching Certification through Lumia, anticipated completion in February of 2023
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, University of Iowa, 2005
Master’s in Counseling from Adams State University, anticipated graduation in July of 2025
Pause Breathwork Masterclass training, 2022
Magic of Meditation Course training with Eleanor Medina, 2022

Self Study

I have engaged in self study in the areas of positive psychology, resilience, mindset, behavior change, self compassion, mindfulness, diet in relation to brain health, nervous system regulation, and nature based healing.

Connect with greater possibility in your life

I believe that movement in many forms can be a powerful catalyst for growth and healing, and I love helping clients discover or enhance this gift in their life.

My Journey to Becoming a Coach

Sparked by Compassion and Curiosity

I am curious and compassionate by nature and have always had an innate desire to help and support others. This desire initially drew me to the Nursing profession, where I had the privilege of caring for many children & families in various hospital and community settings over the course of my 17 year career.

I am grateful for the knowledge I gained and the opportunities I had to make a difference during my time as a Nurse, but if I’m being honest-I often felt unsettled and anxious at work. The unpredictable nature of working in the medical field felt stressful and overwhelming to me. I knew that the work I was doing was important and impactful, and it was a career that I had purposefully sought out-so why did I feel so miserable and unfulfilled?!

“Start over; my darling. Be brave enough to find the life you want and courageous enough to chase it. Then start over and love yourself the way you were always meant to.” – Madalyn Beck

Moved by Purpose and Clarity

After devoting a lot of time and energy to the work of personal growth and seeking help from an amazing life coach and skilled therapist, I eventually realized that working as a Nurse was no longer in alignment with HOW I wanted to serve others. I felt a strong and persistent pull towards transitioning what I do for my work to align with making the values of CONNECTION and EMOTIONAL SUPPORT the primary focus of my work, instead of secondary to the medical focus required in my Nursing role.

This huge realization & clarity I experienced around how I want to support people in my work led me to Life Coaching! It is my hope to help YOU discover more freedom and ease in your life and connect with your own truth in a way that empowers you to live your best life.

Seek out healing in new ways.

My Own Healing Journey

Navigating Darkness

I know what it’s like to feel hopeless, lost, and defeated. I suffered with symptoms of clinical depression and anxiety for much of my adult life. Despite wanting to be a mom for as long as I can remember and having a loving and supportive husband, I really struggled in the early years of having children. The episodes of depression I experienced became more intense and more frequent, and I often felt like I was stuck in perpetual survival mode. Despite my best efforts and seeking help from medical professionals in a variety of ways-nothing seemed to help. There were times when the darkness was all consuming and it took every ounce of strength I had to keep moving forward and not to give up. I eventually hit a breaking point and knew that if I wanted to see my kids grow up and have a chance to experience life in all of its fullness and possibility-it was time to make some big changes and seek out healing in new ways.

“You are one decision away from a completely different life.” – Mel Robbins

Finding Help and Guidance

I know first hand the potential impact that working with a skilled life coach can have. My life coach helped me begin to connect with parts of myself that I had long abandoned or misunderstood, and I learned how to start treating those parts of myself with loving kindness. She helped me navigate the darkness I was experiencing in a different way and to start seeing the possibility that existed all around me. I began to see the world and my experience from a totally new perspective.

I also sought help from an amazing and skilled therapist who continues to be an integral part of my healing journey. She helped me to recognize the limiting beliefs I developed in childhood and I have been able to shift those beliefs to those of possibility, worth, and intrinsic value. Slowly but surely my mindset began to change and I felt a shift from hopelessness and despair to having more curiosity and gentleness about my experience.

Welcoming Growth and Transformation

It has taken many years of doing deep and challenging internal work to learn how to interact with the depression I once thought would be a constant companion in a different way. I have found my way to a place where the light and the dark can co-exist, and believe that each has important lessons to share when I am able to inhabit these spaces with immense curiosity, courage, and self compassion. It has been the greatest challenge of my life-and it feels incredibly important to share what I have learned (and continue to learn) with others. I remain committed to my own path of growth and healing, and therefore feel that I am able to show up with clients having a deep understanding of the courage and strength required to navigate their own journey of self discovery and transformation.

Gravitate toward your inner truth.

A Story of Transformation Through Movement

(L)Earning Self Worth

As a child, I participated in a variety of sports and enjoyed the experience of being part of a team. While I have some happy memories of time spent with teammates and the occasional memorable victory, my experience was punctuated by feelings of immense pressure and anxiety to perform. Despite giving it my best effort, I felt like my athletic ability & performance could never quite measure up to the expectations I felt from others and imposed on myself. I internalized a broader belief that I wasn’t good enough and that the quality of my performance was directly related to my worth as a person. It took many years to unravel and change these limiting beliefs, but I’m happy to say that transformation is possible.

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi

Connecting to the Power of Healing Through Movement

As a young adult experiencing my first real heartbreak, I found myself drawn to the idea of completing a marathon. I had never ran more than a few miles at a time, but there was something about committing to what felt like a big and scary goal that appealed to me. As I trained for what would be the 1st of many marathons, I fell in love with the rhythmic nature of distance running and connected with the power of healing through movement.

In the early years of long distance running, I often experienced self doubt about my ability to successfully train for and complete a race. Those old negative beliefs were lingering and it took a great deal of awareness and persistence to learn how to interact with the critical internal voice in a different way and eventually shift those beliefs.

Over time my confidence and belief in myself grew, and that had a ripple effect in every part of my life. As I took on more challenging races and bigger goals, I noticed that the strength, resilience, and belief in self I experienced out on the trail directly translated to feeling more capable and resilient in other areas of my life. The limitations I placed on myself started to fade, and my goals radically shifted from simply wanting to have fun and finish a race to achieving goals I previously thought to be impossible. Embodying the concepts of possibility and growth has been one of the greatest gifts in my life.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi

A Catalyst for Growth

Running remains a wise teacher and powerful medicine in my life. It is a cherished time for me to connect with nature in a meaningful way, to let my mind wander and process, to allow emotional release, and often provides the space to experience clarity and insight. At times it is an opportunity to challenge myself and find joy and purpose amidst a hard effort, or to slow down and reconnect with my truth and spirit.

I believe that movement in many forms can be a powerful catalyst for growth and healing, and I love helping clients discover or enhance this gift in their life.

Your Time is Now

Ask Yourself ….

Do you want to shift from a life of constant stress and overwhelm to feeling more grounded and at peace? Experience guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, and movement practices to learn how to move through your emotions and find peace in the present moment.

Do you want to reclaim your power, joy, and freedom? Create positive change in your life, live with more intention, and transform your limiting fears and beliefs.

Do you feel stuck in your current patterns, but can’t seem to make change? Heal and transform patterns, explore choices with more awareness, and develop new habits that will support you in realizing your goals.

Are you in a time of transition and unsure what to do next? Experience support, discover fresh perspectives, learn new skills, and gain more tools to find clarity and direction.

Reclaim your power. Embrace your inner truth.